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I WILL BE CALLING YOU FROM: (517) 775-9242


Watch Video #1

"What if I'm super busy all the time? Will this program still work for me? 

Watch Video #2

"I've struggled with sticking to diets in the past, why will this one be different?"

Watch Video #3

"Nothing ever works for me. Is this the same as every other program I've tried?"

Watch Video #4

I'm never able to maintain my weight loss. How do you ensure I keep the weight off?

Are you ready to finally get the results you've always wanted? 

Are you tired of yo-yo dieting and feeling defeated?

Our coaching offers LIFETIME results with a GUARANTEE that if you work through the 3 phase system, that you will not only feel your best, but also look your best! 

Phase 1: Prime

In prime, we prime your body for a fat loss phase! We do this by restoring your metabolism and balancing your hormones.

phase 2: pursue

During pursue, we are going to take action towards your fat loss goal. Because of the prime phase, you will see rapid fat loss. 

phase 3: Passion

During passion, we are going to accomplish the active lifestyle that you have always wanted and build the necessary habits to achieve sustainable results.

More of what our clients have to say:

I'm super impressed with Conquer. So impressed I signed up for a second year after only being a client for 3 months. I'm a diagnosed binge eater and since joining conquer I have only binged once!! And I didn't derail. I picked myself back up and got right back on the horse. This is huge for me.


In the past, once I binged, I would go for weeks, even months at a time on a binge. When I started this journey on February 7th, I was coming off a 3 month binge. To be almost three months and only slipping once is amazing!! My relationship with food is healing. I now use it to fuel my body and not as a coping mechanism. My energy levels are off the charts and my stress is next to nothing.


Knowing I have my own personal coach to walk this journey with me and whom I can rely on for all areas (physically, mentally and spiritually) is key to building a healthy relationship with food and fitness! To end, next month I will be 4 years sober from alcohol. In the sobriety world, we have a saying. "The opposite of addiction is connection." It's the same with nutrition and fitness. Without the coaches and other clients pouring into me, I would not be where I am today. 31 pounds lighter and an entirely different mindset. This isn't a diet. It's a way of life. - Pamela W

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I started this journey with Conquer to better my overall health and to lose some weight. After being in the program for almost a month, I'm already feeling a difference in all aspects of my health. My energy levels are picking up, clothes are starting to fit differently, and my walking goals are getting easier and easier to meet and even exceed.


Becoming more self-aware with what I'm putting in my body has opened my eyes and made me realize that not all foods are "bad" and most all of them have a place. Having a coach on my side to guide me in the right direction and educate me has made all the difference. Before I started coaching I told myself I didn't need anybody and I could do this on my own, but no. I couldn't. I didn't have anybody to communicate with regularly and keep me accountable which is huge for me.


If you're on the fence about 1:1 coaching, do it. Consider it an investment in yourself & your wellbeing! 😊 - Elizabeth S

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I first started working with Chris and the Conquer Fitness team to help with kick starting my metabolism and having a more consistent workout schedule. I did not need to lose any weight but being in my Mid-50's I was starting to feel more sluggish day to day.


Chris was able to teach me as well as my wife why we needed to boost both our calorie intake as well as protein, and how that will work to boost the metabolism. Combined with a more straightforward and intentional workout program I have definitely felt the positive effects over the last 6 months, added a couple pounds of muscle tone, and have been very happy with what I've learned about what my body needs in fuel day to day. I really like how Chris and the team are able to tune the program to the certain individual's needs. - Tom Hedlund

Meet Our Team:

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Coach chase

  • Has lost 100 pounds

  • Registered Nurse for 7+ years

  • Loves to Hike

  • Adrenaline Junkie!

  • Favorite food is any type of Taco

  • Love to cook and bake


  • Graduated from MSU with a kinesiology degree

  • Also works as a personal trainer

  • Loves spending time with her family, oldest of 7. 

Coach chris

  • Has a son, Wyatt

  • Was in the Army for 9 years

  • Grew up in Wisconsin (Go Pack Go)

  • Has been into fitness & nutrition for 20 years

  • Middle child of 5

Coach Dolly

  • Busy mom to Lorenzo

  • Can fix anything and everything

  • Has a dog named Mario

  • First name is actually Desiray

Coach jenny

  • Wife and Mom of 2

  • Occupational Therapist

  • 30+ Years of Experience

  • Loves to travel

  • Loves the outdoors

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