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Conquer Fitness and Nutrition
Online 1:1 Coaching Program

Welcome to the GUARANTEED Conquer Framework, the premier 1:1 coaching program offered by Conquer Fitness and Nutrition.

Our program is specifically designed for women aged 30-60 who are tired of the frustrating cycle of losing and gaining the same 20-50lbs repeatedly. We aim to provide you with a lasting solution, ensuring that this will be the last "diet" you ever have to try.


If you're ready to put an end to the frustrations and failures of fat loss, and regain your confidence by improving your relationship with food while achieving sustainable fat loss, then look no further. We have exactly what you're seeking.


Our comprehensive framework will guide you through three distinct phases:

Phase 1


During this phase, our focus is on priming your metabolism for sustainable fat loss. Unlike most diets that solely target fat loss, we address the underlying issues such as a slow metabolism, low energy, constant cravings and hunger, hormonal imbalances, and metabolic inconsistencies. 

Our primary objective is to ensure that your body is fully prepared to pursue your fat loss goals and regain control of your life.


During Phase 1, you can expect the following benefits:

- Improved energy levels

- Increased metabolism

- Hormonal balance

- Enhanced body strength

- Improved sleep quality

- Elevated mood

Phase 2


In this phase, we will actively pursue the body and health that you desire. With a strong foundation established during Phase 1, we make fat loss simple and achievable. You will witness noticeable changes as your body transforms and becomes leaner, all without the need to eliminate essential nutrients or deplete your energy levels.


Expectations for Phase 2 include:

- Weight loss of 20-50+ pounds

- Reduction in dress/pant/shoe/shirt sizes

- Toned and defined physique

- Increased confidence in yourself and your body

- Regaining the life you've been missing

Phase 3


At Conquer, we don't just focus on helping you achieve your fat loss goals; we also teach you how to sustain your progress long-term. In this final phase, we concentrate on integrating these new habits into your everyday life. Our program equips you with the tools to navigate social events, family gatherings, and the challenges of a busy working mom's life while maintaining your goals.


During Phase 3, you can expect:

- Confidence in making informed food choices

- Education and knowledge on how to adjust your calorie intake

- Education and knowledge on designing your own workout program

- Solidifying habits to ensure lasting weight maintenance

- Looking lean and confident every day of the year

Join us in the GUARANTEED Conquer Framework and embark on a transformative journey towards sustainable fat loss and a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.

Angelique B

Amy H

Linda D

Samantha W

Joining conquer fitness and nutrition has been life changing for me in multiple ways! I have always been a fad dieter. Always thinking this pill, shot or 500 calorie diet would be my miracle cure. 
Then I received a friend request from Coach Chris. I started watching his videos and thinking no way can I eat 2300 calories and lose weight. It peaked my interest so I signed up! 
I’m a single mom. I have a 9 year old daughter who loves playing every sport possible and 4 year old twin boys plus I work full time…life is busy! This program has been 100% customized to fit my life. Coach Chris doesn’t just cookie cutter his program giving everyone the same plan. He spends the time to make sure it is sustainable.

I haven’t been the average client. My results weren’t happening quite how Chris and I felt they should so Chris recommended I take a Gut Intelligence test. I received my results back and found out I was eating everything I should be avoiding like beef, tuna, eggs, multiple different veggies. Since eliminating and following Chris’s recommended Macros the scale has been going down, my energy has increased, my periods have been light and only 3-4 days (which tells me my hormones are balancing out)

Chris invest so much into his clients. He gives with his whole heart and soul. He truly makes an impact on your spiritual, mental and physical health. 


It’s easy to talk yourself out of putting the money into hiring a coach, having the mindset of “I will just keep doing this on my own”. STOP thinking that way. Invest in yourself and the benefits you will reap will come back tenfold. You will be a better mom, wife, business woman, friend. You will have a coach and community cheering you on, holding you accountable and helping you stay motivated.

Jess L

Emily M

I joined Conquer Fitness after having ankle surgery a little over a year ago, once I was able to get back into the gym safely again. Chris had reached out to me during a time when I was looking for another way to lose some weight and get back in shape. I was in a keto group and didn’t have a whole lot of hope for being successful.


Chris has been so helpful for me; yes for my weightless journey, but mostly for my mind, my mental health and my spirit. He has given me something I have never had: a healthy relationship with food. I’m now able to feel good about not finishing everything on my plate if I’m full, not feeling guilty when I eat the chocolate and ice cream that I love, and making my family and social events more about the people I’m with and not about worrying about what to eat or not eat. I’ve tried an embarrassing amount of fad diets, always regaining the weight back and every time losing hope that I could be successful. Now, with Conquer Fitness, especially my coach Chris, I’ve been able to feel like these changes are changes that I can keep for a lifetime! My life will forever be changed by this new fit family I’m apart of! 

Conquer Fitness and Nutrition Online 1:1 Coaching Program

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